Happy Hump Day!
It's 1:14p and I am just now getting to brush my teeth and take a shower. There is a messy bun on top of my head and must I add it's a hot mess since it's the I-HAD-NO-TIME-TO DO SOMETHING-CUTE-DO kinda look and it has actually been hanging on for dear life since yesterday. I have an eggshell colored top on... that used to be white (yep, child's throw up from this morning.) I am wearing Juicy Couture sweatpants but really they look like toddler couture (you know the kid couture with outdoorsy dirt, some sippy cup spillage, a little bit of a morning breakfast stain, and God know what I sat on... but it's smeared across my bum. I am such a bombshell, right?! Ha!
Okay so my son is down for his nap, and I am ready for my down time. Which right now, consists of getting myself together after looking in the mirror, and getting some blog time in. Actually, I wrote and finished the first paragraph before I got distracted with a friend's surprise phone call. Yes! A little adult convo with my bestie, don't mind if I do. *blog please hold*...however hold seemed to be hours later. Now I'm looking at the clock. It's 9:14pm. I can't help but think Gee, what have I accomplished today? Well, I didn't have any photography work to do (which when I do, it happens when Grandma comes to the rescue, during JM's nap time or after his bedtime. Today, I was in full time mama mode! I have to remind myself that being a Stay At Home Mom is an accomplishment in itself. Sometimes I tend to feel like I did absolutely nothing. However, me saying that I did nothing is farthest from the truth. Sure, I read the same book over and over again to my baby boy, lyed on the floor making silly faces with him, jumped on the trampoline, danced to a Yo Gabba Gabba beat, and talked about trees, trains, and the garbage truck a million times IS doing something.
I have the blessed and beautiful opportunity grow a beautiful boy!
Now let me keep it jazzy and genuine with you. Sure, Mothering is rewarding, but it ain't easy and I'll be the first to shout out for the village! Indeed, I believe it most definitely takes a village. With that, I came across an article surfing the internet during my down time and came across one that met me right where I was at. After reading it, instead of shouting for the village... I let out an audible "Amen!" So I wanted to share it with you. Enjoy.
This looks oh so familiar... |
May you take great joy and spend great time with your little girl's and little boys...and in that joy take a snapshot or two. They are only young once.
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