Dear Life,
I have a complete grasp that you are not fair. So please stop teaching me lessons...okay fine, teach me lessons but help me get it sooner before the hard way hits. Thanks.
Dear Everyone,
Thanks for understanding and bearing with me. I'm learning as I go along and I'm not perfect. I appreciate your patience and I love you.
Dear Sweet Baby Jesus,
Please help me to be kinder than I feel.
So its been one helluva week and I have no better word to use than helluva. So there it is. Life is one hell of a roller coaster. Ups, downs, imperfections, flaws, lessons learned... all bundled up in a rubber band of mistakes where some bounce around totally getting through the perils of life unscathed and other times bouncing into a wall. WHACK! And your just all jacked up! That's what totally happened to me. The jacked up, whack part. The part where you learned something the hard way but thank God the light bulb turned on and by golly you still learned. That's what matters. So today I'm embracing the mess. Embracing the lessoned I learned because that's what's important. I'm also counting my blessings. Which I am guilty of not doing enough. There are so many things and people in my life that I am so thankful for. I mean I have thankfulness running all through me. Thankful to be able to be at home with my little love and not miss a beat of his precious milestones. Thankful I have a team of lovely people riding the wave of patience and perseverance throughout my jazzy journey and thankful to be able to do what I love. Look through a lens and create something beautiful for someone else. That's the high of roller coaster rides and experiencing lows sometimes makes me lose sight of that. Booooo-hoooo. Such is life. However, I am embracing today, riding the wave, putting my big girl panties on and wearing a thick skin of thankfulness.
Sure, I fall short but I am strong because I am weak and I am wise because I have been foolish. And guess what else?! I can bake a pretty good cupcake and walk in 4 inch heels but let me assure you I cannot walk on water. So listen, I guess what I'm getting at is this. I'm just a girl entirely made of flaws stitched together with good intentions, trying to develop from the negatives. Trying to figure it all out with a little help from my friends, family, and PHD holders. And if you can relate or it's been one of those weeks, or times of the month for you too, just keep swimming. This too shall pass. If you can put one foot in front of the other then hey, you go girl...or boy! You. Me. Were well on our way!
And that's all I got.
Lord have mercy on this jazzy little firecracker.
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