Okay so let's face it, life is not always the address on "easy street" but if you woke up this morning, are alive and maybe even reading this than LIFE IS GOOD and I love mine. Now sure, admittedly my life can be a big mess. Sleepless nights, cranky mornings, child approaching the year of "terrible two's", jeans that don't fit, and things I need to work on with myself, in my relationship, and building my brand...but life is just being where your at. Including the good, the bad, and the tantrums. Life is just a beautiful mess meant to be embraced, lived, and celebrated. Today I'm living in the beauty of breathing in the salty California air, the mess of my hair and home, the sweetness of motherhood, and the celebration of my blessed nest.
Loving life,
Sweetness of motherhood moment |
Terrible Two moment |
Many are inspired by ur life.