Friday, January 20, 2012

Your Heart's Desire, J*, My Birthday & I've Got The Dreamers Disease

"Sometimes we give up our dreams for safety and comfort. But I was ready to risk safety and comfort for my dreams"
 -Jasmine Star

Okay for starters, that's one hec of a blog title, eh?! Read on.

Sometimes the first step is the hardest but every one's gotta start somewhere so why not now?!
Let this new year, this lovely Friday, be your start to whatever your heart desires and to take your dreams seriously!

My heart's desire is to eat chocolate and not get the lb's that come with it! Ha! Life would be oh so grand!

No, but seriously I have an appetite for taking my love for photography to the next level. My other half knows how much I love me some Jasmine Star. She's a jazzy girl who's got spunk, a wedding photographer whom through her images, displays such artistic grace, beauty and sass. Love the sass part, might I add.

J* is smart, talented and made a decision to follow her hearts desire and took her brand to the level I aspire to be at someday.

About a year ago when I decided I wanted to take my love of photography more seriously, I picked up the magazine "The Photographers Guide to Turning Pro-Real Inspiration. Real Advice."( 2010 Issue4)
I saw Jasmine's work in it and needless to say I have been following her and her images ever since. I noticed the beauty in her, and her work right away. Plus, we've got great names too (though spelled differently).

The rest is history.

Got my golden ticket to a special speaking engagement w/ J* in LA! Ohh. Emm. Gee, can you say "ugly cry"? If I wasn't embarrassed, I would post a photo of myself... but I am, so you won't find my ugly cry here. Sorry. But what you will find is a girl who's following her heart's desire.

Jasmine Star, if you ever read this...from one jazzy girl to another, you encourage & inspire me.
Much love and respect to you always!

May we always take our dreams seriously. Cheers!


Jasmine Star Can you say Ugly Cry?! Hahahahaha! Can't wait to see you in LA! :)
14 hours ago ·
Your never too young...

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