The Crown On Your Head
Nancy Tillman
On the day that we met you and I put you to bed, I noticed a crown on the top of your head.
It was made up of sparkling glimmering things like moonlight and fireflies, and dragon wings.
As the days came and went, It was faithful and true...
and It grew right along with the rest of you.
I always knew just what your crown meant.
It said that you were MAGNIFICENT.
(That means you are grand from your toes to your chin. Take a deep breath, and let that sink in.)
That's about as high as a word can climb! That's the top of a mountain... a steeple chime.
That's over the moon in a nursery rhyme...
and it means, like a star,
(Blink three times and...there you are! You are a twinkling, little star!)
In other words, from your very first day,
you were chosen to glow in every big way!
With your crown made of glittering, high flying things,
you've got wind in your pocket, your wishes have wings.
You can run like you mean, let the wind blow...
There's just no telling how high you can go!
Whatever it is you choose to do,
no one can do it exactly like you.
Ride on the big slide! And if you fall down,
remember your glorious, marvelous crown.
It won't flicker or fade. It won't dim. It won't leave.
All you have to do is believe.
Do you, my child? I hope that you do.
The world is a wonderland waiting for you.
And you get to share it with all your friends, too!
They each have a crown that is faithful and true.
No one is brighter, no one is duller.
It's only a crown of a different color.
So sometimes, just every now and then, whisper "I believe" again.
Your crown is your best friend forever, by far.
It tells the true story of just who you are.
That's why every night, when I put you to bed,
I'm careful to kiss the crown on your head.
Josiah Marley- You are loved.
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