Thursday, March 8, 2012

Happy "Born" Day

I remember when the Dr. told me we were having a boy. I was happy, but I was also a bit freaked out...okay ALOT freaked out! My preggo hormones had me tearing up with all kinds of emotions. Growing up in a household as the oldest to four younger sisters and being as "girly-girl" as they come...what on Earth did I know about raising a boy?

Yet when I held him for the first time, I knew he would teach me everything I would need to know.

March 14, 2010 a precious prince was born. Healthy and complete with an invisible crown around his head. A miracle for so many reasons (that's a whole other blog post...maybe next year).

Our "Boom" was due on St. Patricks day, however was ready to make an appearance three days earlier. Which was just fine by me, It was God's perfect timing indeed.

Now here we are, two years later. My little prince is beginning to NOT be so little anymore. I am in complete awe of this independent, Mr. Personality, strong, miraculous and sweet child of mine. He can play endlessly in the sand, names any vehicle with wheels and climbs to the top of any playground rock climbing wall. Serious business. I love watching him run like the wind and attempt to explain our incredible journey's to Disneyland or as he calls it "land-land." He tells me "sit down, play mama" and I do. His mind is full of emotion that his words can't always communicate. He is learning and absorbing so many of life's lessons. And at the end of the night, he marches to the fridge, gives mama and papa hugs and kisses and night-night he goes. In his crib, with his plush bunny and (most nights) soundly he sleeps. Surely gathering energy and strength for what adventures await him when he arises. He is my angel with curls and one darling little superman!

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