Thursday, December 27, 2012

A Toast

A Toast

To the nearest and dearest
To the crew 
To cahoots
To the ones who have been there
To the ones who'll be there
To dropping everything
To saying anything
To no judgements
To no doubts
To loyalty
To trust
To favors
To life longs
To been too long
To nothings changed
To having history
To having your back
To moving on
To learned lessons
To experiences
To a happy
 full of promise
 brand spankin'
 blank canvas
warm & fuzzy
New Year


Farewell 2012, hellooooo 2013!


**Click on any image to see it BIGGER**

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Keep Calm & Go To Cars Land

Oh the joys of boys and their toys!
Too cool and cute for "Flo's V8 Cafe"
Motherhood with this 2 year old is the best thing ever! So is wearing shorts, flip flops and Mickey ears in December while en route to Disneyland. So much awesomeness I can't even stand it :-)

Welcome to Disneyland, where dreams come true and memories are made. Where mine and my sons spirit instantly light up and our hearts fill with magic. Where a few of my favorite things in the world are Josiah's joy, Cars Land and Christmas time. Nothing else even matters.
Enjoy the little things, jazzy ones!
